We had a little downfall earlier in the day which looked bad due to the vicious wind we've been getting but it didn't stick and no sooner had it started than it finished and I thought that would be that. I go to take the dog out for her nightly walk and I couldn't believe it:

there's at least 2 inches of it although looking out of the window now it does appear to be stopping. Let's hope there's no more during the night.
On a random tangent while I'm here, Baby Fratelli charted today... at number 24 :( I was expecting it to chart a little higher, maybe 10th or 11th but on reflection I can see why 24th is about right. It's the fourth single off a hugely popular album so there's probably not many Frat fans buying the single as they've already got it [on the album]. A decent B-Side might have swayed said fans (I bought Whistle For The Choir for the excellent Nina B-side) but alas it was just a live recording of Ooh La La which is much less appealing. I still think they should have released For The Girl, it was much more 'chart-friendly' (and I would have loved to sing it on karaoke! ;))
I've also just caught up with Life On Mars, a BBC series about a cop who gets knocked over by a car and wakes up in 1973. It's not a bad show although my own take on it is the whole twilight-zone transported in time thing going on was nothing more than an excuse to do a 'The Sweeney' kind of cop show. Nonetheless it makes good viewing and provides the web with numerous forums dedicated to people with lots of time on their hands to come up with endless theories about what really is going on. Personally, I think it's quite straightforward: He's in a coma after being knocked down and it's all a dream fuelled from the TV by the side of his hospital bed showing re-runs of some cop show which will probably turn out to be the Ashes to Ashes spin-off series. There simple see :)
I'll save the Lost and Heroes theories for another day!
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