Not one to renege on my blatant bribe, I took him down to JJB to take a look at the strips on offer. On arrival he asks me who the team in blue are on the poster outside JJB sports. It is of course Chelsea but a swift "this is not the team you are looking for" Jedi mind trick (learned from Amy ;)) soon puts paid to any thoughts of him taking home said strip. Once inside we head to the replica shirts section to check out and the England strips and he sees the Man Utd ones. Now I'm not sure where it came from (there are a couple of kids in the street that he plays with who also have Man U strips) but he knew who that kit belonged to. "Daddy, is that Manchester and United?" he asks. Ok, he's not quite got the name right but he's spot on. "Yep, it is, England shirts are this way" I reply. "I want a Manchester shirt. A red one with number 10 on it" he say's. I show him a few other shirts but at this point he just wants a Man U strip and when a four year old sets his mind on wanting something then it's only going to end in tears if you don't give in and bow to their demand (a bit like a wife really! :p )
And so, sporting a new haircut and Man Utd strip (with the number 10 on the back!) we now have one very happy son as you can tell in the photo above. He couldn't wait to get the strip on and go outside in it.
That's the first football strip excursion done and dusted. Could have been worse I suppose had he decided he wanted the blue strip, I think I might have taken the tears if that had happened. And thank goodness they currently don't sell any red and white striped shirts, that's more than this father could bear!!! :o
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